Creating Effective Digital Advertising Campaigns

Creating effective digital advertising campaigns can seem like a difficult task. If you break it down into its essential components,  it becomes much easier to manage. This article will examine how one can start creating effective digital advertising campaigns using the DRIP model (to differentiate, reinforce, inform and persuade consumers).

DIFFERENTIATE with ads that always put value first

What is it about the company’s offerings will create value for a customer? This should be the first question that’s asked when creating effective digital advertising campaigns, because without value, an ad won’t get more than a casual glance. A computer company could, for example, mention the fact that their laptops can be converted to tablets (an extremely valuable quality these days).

REINFORCE the value of working with the company with unique identifiers

Once an ad catches a person’s attention, it still has to work to keep them interested. This starts with expanding upon the value created by the ad. For example, let’s take a look at the convertible laptops discussed in the previous section. While this is a valuable capability, these types of devices are offered elsewhere on the web. If the computer company is one of the few third-party retailers of a particular laptop brand, or the laptops convert to tablets by simply being flipped over, then this information can be used to reinforce the value of the ad.

INFORM customers with current offers infused into the ad copy

Marketers aren’t just trying to improve their target audience’s perception of their business arbitrarily. The reason that business advertise in the first place is to try to get people to make a purchase. This means that all of your ads — from the headline copy to the landing pages — should include information about a current offer. If there is a 50% off deal on a certain product, you should let it be known in the ad.

PERSUADE customers with call-to-action in your ads

Building excitement about a product is great, but the sales process doesn’t end here. The next step is to guide the potential buyer to the next level in the sales process. The biggest mistake that a marketer can make here is assuming that the customer will know exactly what to do. Not everyone will know, and with an average attention span of less than five seconds, sales leads will quickly leave the company’s site and look elsewhere for the products or services that one’s company spend all of that time, effort and money getting them excited about in an ad.

You should always make the next steps clear with a good call-to-action (CTA). With this, leads who are already sold will know what to do next — and more importantly, not lose interest — and leads who still need nurturing can be goaded with a CTA that makes progressing to the next step in the sales process seem easy. As with the rest of your ad copy, you should use discretion with how the CTAs are written. Studies about digital advertising have shown that changing a single word in the CTA can result in a 90% increase in click-through-rate.

Digital advertising does not have to be approached alone

One of the best ways to effectively launch and manage a digital advertising campaign is to not only create a solid framework via the steps discussed above, but to also recruit the aid of a professional advertising agency. To learn more about how to launch a great digital advertising campaign, contact Creative Spark, one of the top advertising agencies in the UK.

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