Effectiveness at Work: Tips to Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder

Effectiveness at Work: Tips to Help You Work Smarter, Not Harder

Working hard does not always translate to achieving more. According to recent research into office productivity, it has been estimate that the average employee’s output reduces after a 50-hour work/week. When it comes to efficiency, it is not about how hard you work, but how effective your results are.

Instead of working extra hours and getting less done, you should look for simple ways to be productive. The best way to do this is to work smartly. Here are some hints and tips to help you work smarter in your average work day.

1. Work with a Schedule

Plan your day before you retire for the night and try to avoid making vague plans. Set yourself a set of small achievable objectives and build a timeline of how you want to work on them throughout the day. Be realistic in your target setting, and don’t be afraid to adapt and change your schedule as the day progresses.

2. Set Goals

Setting a set of goals will trigger active behaviour and sustain momentum.Goals can help you to develop skills within your own career and align you with your work activity for the day. Once you set your goals, you’ll likely find that mental action kicks in to tick off all the actions you have set yourself.

3. Be Organised

An unorganised mind is less productive and can lead you to working inefficently within the workplace. Don’t fall victim of this cycle. Arrange yourself, your desk, your planned activities, as well as your time. Thiswill help you manage your time effectively. Some people find that using projectmanagement software helps them with organisation.

4. Eliminate Distractions

Remove all forms of interruption when working and focus on the tasks you’ve set yourself. It can help to create a set of habits including work habits, bedtime habits and eating habits. This will help your brain adjust to the routine of activities easily and reduce the risk of distraction.

Some diversions cannot be avoided. There are certain distractions that come with running a business. For example, workplace injury, loss of document and equipment. To handle this effectively, protect yourself with professional coverage.

5. Have Scheduled Breaks

Binding yourself to your desk is a ticket to unproductivity.Taking scheduled breaks at work is important.Use breaks for lunch, to stroll around, rest or catch up with friends and colleagues. Do something that relieves tension and keeps you at ease. Your brain can’t handle working constantly and regular breaks will help you do more in the long term.

6. Become a Structure Procrastinator

What you were told about procrastination stealing your time might be wrong. According to studies imposing a shorter deadline on tasks, can help to make you work more efficiently. This may sound counterproductive, but it helps. You just need to be a structured procrastinator. Start little task first, before tackling the most challenging ones. This way, you would gradually build momentum for the most important ones.

7. Ask for Help

You cannot always be a problem solver. Instead of struggling for hours being unproductive, seek help from a colleague with better knowledge. Communicate with your team; ask questions. This way, you save time, reduce stress and still get the work done in time.

8. Relieve Stress

Stress reduces productivity. Studies show that work place stress causes illness and impairs your creativity and efficiency. Identify stress triggers and find ways to relieve stress. Also engage in stress-relieving activities like yoga, massage and aromatherapy.


The difference between working smart and harder is the level of productivity and time spent. The tips above are a gradual process. Give yourself time to adjust and continue implementing the tips in a way that works for you.

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