Your Staff Are Following Their Leader, But Are You Taking Them In The Right Direction?

Your Staff Are Following Their Leader, But Are You Taking Them In The Right Direction?

When there are problems in our teams, we’re keen to lay the blame on staff. No one cares more about your company than you, so the fault must be with those you employ, right? Wrong. In truth, many of the things your staff do wrong are a reflection on your leadership. Obviously, there will always be a few rotten eggs, too. But, if team members are often letting you down, it’s worth looking to the leader, rather than the crew.

This won’t be easy. No leader likes to question their performance. But, making a few alterations could iron the issues and bring your team together. And, that’s a cause worth fighting for given that team-building can improve your profits in a major way. But, what could you be doing wrong, and what can you do about it?

You aren’t clear about company values

Surprisingly, one of the principal things leaders get wrong are their company values. Given that this enterprise is something you eat, sleep, and breathe, you may find that hard to believe. But, it isn’t unusual for leaders to neglect to pass those values to their staff. To help you get a grip on this, think about what your company represents, and how you reflect those values as a leader. If you need help here, there are some fantastic leadership coaching services out there which could help you get to the bottom of the issue. By the end of your efforts, it’s essential you know those values inside out, and pass them to staff through your actions. For instance, do you value local community or big business? Do you have a focus on environmental issues, and do you apply that standard to your actions? It all matters, and you need to get on top of it.

You aren’t putting the work in

Another major mistake is not putting in the work you should. It’s likely you were pulling 15 hour days when you started. But, now you have a team behind you, it’s easy to get into lazy habits. And, if your staff see you aren’t working, they may follow that example. Either that or they’ll come to resent the tasks you pass to them. Instead, prove you’re worth their time by working to the bone. As the big boss, you should be first in the office and last to leave each day. That’s the way it goes in management.

You aren’t willing to take advice

As you’re at the top of the chain, you may well have reached the stage where you don’t accept advice from your team. After all, you know this business better than they ever could. Don’t you? Perhaps not. In fact, when you’re close to a project, you may struggle to have fresh ideas. Your team can undoubtedly bring those to the table, and you should listen to what they have to say. Besides, if you don’t take time to listen, they may start blocking their ears to what you have to say.

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