Designers are extremely busy people. Fact. Not only do they have to make time to find inspiration for their next project, manage feedback, attend meetings, and communicate with their clients, they also have to find the time to actually sit down and do the work.
Let’s not forget the time and effort they have to put into mocking up an idea, creating a visual for sharing or keeping abreast of modern design trends. The role of a designer is so much more than just ‘colouring in’.
To ease the workload of time-poor designers, the multi award-winning print service provider, Precision Printing, has compiled a comprehensive list of the best software, apps, tools, skills, websites and resources that no designer can live without. Each of these tools has been carefully selected for its ability to help you streamline your work, find inspiration easily, show off your amazing design skills, and make collaboration easier.
Precision Printing has produced a guide broken down into the 10 key areas so you can instantly find what you’re looking for — you are busy people after all.
Check it out here and perhaps you’ll make a new discovery that’s useful for your own way of working!