As the boss, it’s your job to motivate, inspire and delight your staff. You want them to be happy and contented with coming into work every day. A lot of this can be done by making the work environment safer for your staff. But you also need to show them respect. And, the way to do this is to try to make sure you make the feel valued. These are some of the best ways you can achieve that.
Provide Snacks
It’s often the little things that can make a big difference in business. And you might be surprised by the impact that certain changes can have. A great way to boost the mood in the office would be to provide snacks for the office. You might choose to do this on a weekly or even daily basis. But you need to make sure you integrate it as soon as you can. Providing snacks tells your staff that you value them and show them you like to take care of them. This is an excellent way to make them happier and more content.
Team Talks
Every morning before you start work you should gather the staff base together for a meeting. This should be more of an appraisal than a meeting. Basically, use it as a team talk to inspire the staff for the day ahead. It’s a good opportunity for anybody to raise any other business they might have as well. Use these talks as the perfect excuse to inspire and motivate your team. Make these talks an integral part of the daily running of the business. You will be surprised by the impact they can have on your employees.
Reward Good Performance
It’s important in management to recognise the great work that your staff do. And the best way to acknowledge this is to reward good performance. If people feel like their efforts are going to be recognised they’ll be more likely to work harder. This is the best way to get the work rate up in the business, and introduce some friendly competition. If your employees feel their efforts are valued it’s going to make them much happier about coming into work each day.
Use Absence Management
You need to take action if your staff are experiencing difficulties in their private lives. They might need to take time off work to deal with this. And they may have trouble controlling their emotions at work. They need help, and it’s your duty of care as a boss to ensure they get this help. You need to show them that you care and that the company values them. By using absence management solutions, you’ll be able to help them through the situation. And you can work on reintegrating them back into the working environment.
There are a lot of things you can do to improve the working arena for your staff. The best approach to take is just to be a nice and fair leader. You will have quite a few people working for you, and it’s important to respect them and make them feel valued. If you do this, they will work hard for you, and the business will flourish.