If you take one thing away from running a business, it should be that every market that you can think of is incredibly competitive. This means that to stand out, your marketing methods must be on point. You need to make sure that when customers and potential clients hear or see your business, they remember you. How do you do this? The answer is to be as creative as possible. Creativity will make you interesting, unique and ensure that the company you own leaves a lasting impression. With that in mind, we’ve got some fantastic ideas for creative marketing methods that you need to start using next year.
Smart Marketing
These days everyone is always looking at their phone. In fact, the average individual checks their phone well over one hundred times per day. We imagine that business clients will be using their phones even more regularly. It makes sense to attempt to capitalise on this fact. Essentially, you need to work to ensure that some of the times when they check their phone they will be looking at marketing related to your company. To do this, there are a number of routes you can take.
Our first recommendation would be to look at a business like NFC Direct. Among other services, they specialise in using tech to give companies the latest marketing experiences. One way they can do this is by including digital tags in your marketing materials. If you do this, a customer could point to any marketing you’re using with their phone. They can then find all the information you want them to have readily available.
Alternatively, you may want to think about investing in the development of an app. With an app you can create marketing on a whole new dimension because it makes promotion more immersive. You can create fun games and customers as well as business clients will respond to this type of ploy.
Guerilla Marketing
You can also think about guerilla marketing. Guerilla marketing is turning the marketing into an event in itself. So, for instance, you can use a large decoration that might be 3D near your business to draw in customers. Or, you could even hire actors and models to stage an actual show. It’s all about being a little more, you guessed it, creative! Once you bring the customers in, you will immediately see sales in your business increase. Remember, customers want to feel connected like they are part of the action.
We think this is also the appeal for viral, live feed marketing. This in a way is just another type of guerilla promotion. It captures the attention of customers by getting in their face. You can do this by using a story on snapchat and promoting different ideas or concepts around your business. You might even want to use it a sort of backstage pass. Showing people the individuals who work behind your business can lead to tremendously powerful marketing. Customers often hate the idea of buying from nameless, faceless corporations.
We’re sure that you can use all of these ideas to make an impression with your company in 2017.