Increasing numbers of people are starting to consider moving abroad. Generally speaking, people tend to remain in the country of their birth throughout their lives, only venturing beyond its borders for short vacations. However, the increased quality and efficiency of air travel, as well as the more affordable pricing of long distance flights means that more people are willing to move overseas, safe in the knowledge that they can return to their home country to visit family and friends on a relatively regular basis. Access to the internet also means that we are becoming increasingly aware that foreign markets can offer better pay than what we may receive for working in similar positions back home, encouraging us to shift further afield in order to obtain a better quality of life. Now, if you’re planning on working abroad, you are going to have a little more work on your hands. It may prove relatively difficult to prove to a foreign employer that you are serious about taking up the position that they are offering – they don’t want to invest time and effort into recruiting you if you are going to get cold feet at the last minute. However, if you definitely want to pursue a career overseas, there are a few things that you can do to convince your potential employer that you are taking the venture very seriously. Here are just a few to consider!
Apply for the Right Visa
Moving from one country to another for work entails a whole lot of immigration law and protocol. You are highly likely to need a visa in order to gain the right to work in the majority of countries where you are not yet a legal citizen. This is why you should partner up with an immigration solicitor when considering a move abroad, as they will be able to advise you as to what type of visa you will need. These can vary from a tier 1 entrepreneur visa to a tier 2 visa for skilled workers, a tier 3 visa for low-skilled workers, or a tier 5 visa for students. Applying for the right visa will not only establish whether you are an appropriate candidate for the potential employers’ needs and requirements, but it will also exemplify that you are taking the process of moving seriously and are taking significant steps towards securing the right to work in the given country, so that you are prepared to move with shorter notice should you be offered a position.
Learn the Local Language
If you are planning on working in a country where your native tongue isn’t the first language, you should seriously consider learning the local language that is used in the area you intend to work in. Sure, you may not need to speak any language other than English in the workplace. Perhaps the individuals who you will be working with and dealing with on a professional level will all speak fluent English. However, picking up the local language will show your dedication to the role and will also work in your favour professionally, as you will be able to speak your co-workers more casually and foster better relationships in the working environment. In short, learning the local language is a sign of respect and an indication of your willingness to dedicate yourself to the role and the company you are going to be working for. Picking up the local language will also benefit you on a personal level if you do secure your chosen position. After all, if you’re going to be living in another country, you’re going to spend most of your time outside of work engaging with people who will be speaking a different language. Being able to communicate effectively will make your life a whole lot easier, from being able to request where you want to go in a taxi to reading signs, being able to place orders in bars and restaurants, and making new friends in new social circles.
Familiarise Yourself with Local Etiquette
Language isn’t the only cultural change that the process of applying for a job in another country may expose you too. There are also likely to be a whole host of differences in etiquette between the country you were raised in and the country you may be intending to move to. Behaviour that is deemed entirely appropriate in one country may be taken with offence in another. Of course, you are going to want to make as positive an impression as possible when applying for a position, communicating with the individuals offering the position, and carrying out an interview. So, it’s important to familiarise yourself with local etiquette in order to present yourself in the best way possible. You can generally do this by searching for regional etiquette online or watching videos posted by people who have moved from one country to another and picked up different cultural values and practices through experience. To get you started in the right direction, click here for a brief guide to business etiquette around the world.
Secure Accommodation in the Area
Securing accommodation in the area that you intend to move to is another major life step that will give your employer further reassurance that you are taking the potential move seriously. By securing accommodation, your employer can feel safe in the knowledge that you will have somewhere to move into if you are offered the position, and that they won’t have to waste time looking for a new candidate should you realise that there isn’t really anywhere in a commutable distance that suits your needs or budget.
These are just a few steps that can encourage an overseas employer to take your job application seriously. Remember that they will be looking for constant sources of reassurance, proving that you will definitely take them up on their offer if they reach out their hand in providing you with a paid position.