Any HR recruiter knows the struggle of getting the right candidates for the company’s job openings. Regardless of the fact that you represent one client or several, the job market is saturated and the truly valuable people are quite scarce. Nowadays, an experienced bilingual candidate has the possibility to choose from a wide variety of job proposals and, it might not even get to yours before he/she decides.
Professional recruiters have specialized tools and secret methods, but if you are a small company the process is more difficult. So, how do you stand out? How do you get valuable people to apply to your job and how do you convince them you are their best shot at a promising career?
Don’t put your hopes just in job boards
Job boards have registered a decrease in traffic for the last few years as people found easier tools to look for opportunities. For example, boards that are focused on a certain niche are more popular these days. So, if you’re looking for a bilingual future employee, it’s time to reconsider your posting strategy and try to look for the job board or search aggregator that supports such a niche.
Also, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Post your announcement on several online sites and see which one brings you the most candidates.
Go to them
As a business manager (or recruiter) looking for young bilingual talents, finding the place where you can approach people directly is a fantastic strategy. For example, you can always post announcements in universities, distribute flyers on campus or simply organize a meeting with the best students that have the skills you are looking for.
That is one of the main reasons why call center corporations establish their headquarters in cities that attract young people from all over the world. The chance of finding and hiring valuable bilingual candidates in such an educational hub are extremely high. Even more, you have the chance to start with a fresh mind that will bring a new vision to your company.
Social media is a great tool
If you still don’t think using social media in a recruitment process is professional, then it’s time to change your strategy. Networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, and even Twitter are great to reach professionals who are not currently looking but might be interested. LinkedIn is actually a fantastic resource as many people will list their best skills and qualities on their profile.
Even better, each of these networks offers the possibility to filter people based on skills so finding bilinguals should not be difficult.
Forge a connection with every possible candidate
People are a company’s most valuable assets, but you can’t hire everyone. However, the ones you do hire may want to leave at a certain point and then you’ll have to go through the entire process again. If you were wise during the last recruitment process, you kept a close eye on the people who could have been a great employee but decided not to hire. These may be the people that save you a lot of trouble when the position opens again.
In the end, you have to know that finding a valuable bilingual candidate is only the first step. Once you identify the right person, you also must know how to integrate him/her into the team and how to improve the entire team’s efficiency on the job