There are a number of great benefits to be had from setting up a quirky competition via a social network, such as Facebook:
- Traffic, both to your FB page and website.
- ‘Likes’ and links.
- Brand awareness.
It’s very difficult for a new brand with a limited budget to generate brand awareness and publicity, TV campaigns and large media spends are likely out of reach.
Luckily, most of the huge, well established competitor brands, who do have the money, don’t spend it in a particularly creative way. They certainly haven’t usually gone down the route of quirky competitions!
The idea..
Rocket Bingo launched back in June 2014 on a modest budget, we had money to spend but TV advertising and large mainstream media spending was out of reach. After careful thought, we went down the route of quirky competitions; brainstorming brought up Loo rolls & rockets, naturally!
We decided that if we offered the right prize, (an Ipod), people might be tempted to build a rocket out of loo rolls. We setup our competition via our Facebook page using Woobox, we gave our competition the following terms:
1. Entrants must register on our site to enter (email addresses gathered).
2. Entrants have to ‘like’ our FB page to enter (generates ‘Likes’).
3. Entrants must be over 18. Our site facilitates gambling.
4. The rocket must have our website written on it (promotes brand).
5. The creator, or a pet, must appear in the photo (encourages sharing).
The results..
Straight away we found it very easy to promote the competition, writing content on our own sites and on FB about something genuinely creative is easy! We also noticed that people quickly began to write their own content about it too! If you do a search for ‘Loo Roll Rocket’ you’ll notice our site is at the top of Google, you’ll also notice that just about everything else that ranks is about our competition!
The visits from our Facebook page started rolling in, at the time of writing, having being setup two weeks, we’re now on 727 visits. Not an enormous figure but lets not forget that a great deal of our direct visits are probably because of awareness raised through this competition.
The noise on social media has been quite good too, lots of shares and interaction direct to our FB page, please note we disabled sharing through the app (hence only 2 shares being recorded, as shown in the image).
A side effect of running this competition, as mentioned before has been other people publishing their views on our contest, some of them linked directly to us or our FB page, clearly there is an SEO advantage to be had here from natural link building.
All in all, as it stands we’ve had 11 entries, which we’ve been able to create more content about. Hopefully as the deadline nears we’ll have even more!
Stats from Woobox.