Crucial to bringing in business and boosting profits is client relationships. Any successful business owner knows has important it is to build and secure long-lasting relationships with clients. Loyalty is one of the main things which will set your business apart from competitors. Loyal customers and clients, who are treated well, are less likely to jump ship. So how do you go about building and maintaining amazing relationships with clients, and how do you nail that first impression?
Impress With Your First Impression
The most important thing to remember is that you want prospective clients to buy into your business. To invest money in your products or services they need to have faith in the way the business is run. First of all, keep in mind that you are an ambassador for your business. Dress in a way which befits your brand. This doesn’t necessarily have to be formal wear, but it does have to reflect your ethos and values. Impress your prospective client by confidently steering the conversation. Don’t boast, but do promote your business in a conversational way. Also, take an interest in the client themselves. Find out what it is they want and tell them how you can deliver. Confidence is key on your first meeting. Your prospective client wants to know they are in safe hands.
Work Hard Play Hard
Sometimes impressing clients is about charming them outside of the office as well as in it. If your clients have traveled quite a long way to see you, you may want to put them up in a great hotel. Similarly, you may want to have a look at VIP table booking in the city. It’s about looking after your clients and treating them well. In return, they’ll want to work with you above your competitors, and give you a good rate and working business relationship. To maintain relationships regularly meet up with your clients for lunches. This provides a great opportunity to remind your clients that they are assets and you appreciate them. However, it’s also a good chance to hear some useful feedback and improve your product or service.
Do Your Homework
Impressing clients is also about looking outside of your own business. You need to understand and anticipate their needs before them. Offering the best possible service is about understanding your client’s business and what they need. Always have a backup option. For instance, if you run a recruitment agency and a client needs ten workers, be sure to have two more workers on standby. That way if two workers fail to show on the day, you can draft some new temps in straight away. This won’t lose your client time or money.