How to Make Your Website More Trustworthy

When you run a business, getting your customers to trust you is one of the most important things that you can do. And since so much business is done online these days, your website needs to present the best possible image of your company. In this blog post, we will look closer at a few of the ways that you can present the most trustworthy image possible of your business through your website.

Include an ‘About Us’ Page

You may think that the ‘about us’ page on your website is one of the least important, but it is the place where customers can go if they need any reassurances about your company. Include all pertinent information including your address, contact information, company history, and years of experience. If you need to add a little more prestige, you could take a look at virtual office providers. Also include any awards or other recognition that you have built up over the years.

Make the Site Design Clean and Professional

Your site needs to look as professional as possible including good imagery, copy, appropriate-sized font, clear navigation and a consistent colour scheme throughout. If you are given the choice between creating a simple or a flashy site, the former option is always the better one. When sites look too cluttered, it is much more difficult to pick out the key information which customers are looking for in the first place.

Ensure Information is Correct and Updated

Nothing looks worse than a site which is littered with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, so triple-check the website copy to ensure that everything is correct. Also, ensure that all the information on your site is kept up to date at all times. For example, on the homepage, you don’t want to be listing an event that is already months in the past. Also, keep your blog page fresh with new content on a regular basis – something which should help the SEO of the site as well.

Include Customer Testimonials

While customers may be sceptical about the wonderful things you are saying about your own business, they are much more likely to believe real customers. So, if you have acquired any positive testimonials, you should display these proudly on your site. Also, you can provide links to third-party sites which offer a positive impression of your company for added trustworthiness.

Give Your Customers Multiple Means of Contact

If your customers still have any doubts about your company, giving them multiple means of contact will help them to assuage these. And when a client does get in touch with you, make sure to respond in a timely manner. Otherwise, there is every chance that they will move on to one of your competitors.

Since so many customers will come into contact with your business only through your website, you should ensure that it gives them a positive impression and makes them want to use your services.   

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