When you are looking for a job you will likely face a lot of different recruitment agencies and have a lot of telephone meetings. It might seem like a stressful situation to talk to a Recruitment agency on the phone but it can actually be a great thing for you during your job search.
A recruitment agency such as Pure Staff Recruitment Agency will call you up and ask you about yourself and your job aspirations so that they can match you up with the best job possible. It might be nerve wracking but they are only there to help, so here are some tips you can use to win over your recruitment agency and get the best offers you can.
Always be honest
The most important thing you need to remember as you embark on your job hunt is to be honest about everything. You must include everything about your job history, and even if it seems like you have jumped from job to job a lot, make sure you explain why. It could simply be that you haven’t quite found what you are looking for yet and you want to settle in a career you love: so explain that to them and they will be able to help you find the right career for you.
Social media is such an integral part of society these days that a recruiter will immediately look to your social media accounts to find out more about who you really are as a person. Make sure that you take that time to complete your LinkedIn profile to the fullest and show off every skill you have. Choose a professional looking photo and avoid going for a duck face selfie because this just isn’t what recruiters are looking for. Be careful with what you have posted on Facebook or twitter because it is likely that they will take a look there too. As long as you haven’t said anything discriminatory or otherwise you should be ok.
Show that you care
When you are taking with a recruiter about potential job opportunities it is important to remember that you need to check up with them on a regular basis to see if they have anything new. This shows that you have the initiative to go after what you want as well as shows that you genuinely care about having a new job. This will likely help the recruiter to see that you want this badly and they will put more work in for you. They are paid on commission a lot of the time so if you show you are willing to work with them, they will work for you.
Take their advice!
When you are talking on the phone to a recruiter before an interview they will very likely give you a few tips and some advice to help you when you face your interviewer. This will sometimes include specific things about the interviewers personality or how you should dress. Always take their advice on board because they wouldn’t be telling you if it wasn’t important!