It has been indicated that in the 365 working day calendar, 27, 000, 000 days were lost in 2011-12 as a result of work related ill health or injury.
4, 300, 000 of these lost days were as a result of injuries that took place in the work place.
Then a further 22, 700, 000 were due to ill health resulting from work related issues.
This therefore brings the concerns of the cost implications to not only the businesses concerned but also Britain itself.
Excluding the time lost for cancer treatments as an workplace injury or ill health it means that society paid £13.8 billion in 2010 and 2011 for the sake of serious injuries, slips and trips and near miss incidents like collapsing equipment, explosions or the escape of dangerous substances.
To elaborate further this means that just under half of the 19, 707 major accidents resulting from slips and trips (43%) and the 13% of these who fell from a height would’ve been those individuals who have time off work and therefore contributing to the £13.8 billion cost to society.
It is the employer’s duty to provide a safe condition in which their staff can work and breaching this expectation is breaking the law.
Original source of information about accident at work claims: Blackwater Law