When bosses are tuned into their workplaces, they can smell low morale from a mile away. It’s all the subtle little things that tip them off: the eye rolling, the huffing and puffing, the high turnover rates and the lack of conversations between employees.
If that sounds a bit like your workplace, no problem. Try some of these creative low morale-busting ideas.
Get Rid Of Jerks
Rodger Dean Duncan is an executive coach for businesses. He defines a jerk as somebody who intimidates, condescends or acts aggressively toward other members of your team. They can also be people who motivate by using fear, like always threatening employees with the sack for minor transgressions.
Duncan says that the best thing that employers can do with jerks is let them go. One bad person in a department can bring the whole team down and massively reduce productivity and innovation.
Stop Using Email
Email isn’t just a drag on employee productivity: it’s also a major source of stress. According to data collected by www.inc.com, 92 percent of employees get a spike in blood pressure whenever a new email comes into their inbox.
The good news is that there are not lots of alternatives to email which are allegedly a lot less stressful. These include integrated communications software like Slack, Trello, and Asana.
Add A Touch Of Luxury
Companies all over the world, from Microsoft to Intel, are looking at ways to add luxury touches to their offices to make them more comfortable for employees. We’ve seen some pretty nutty things over the last few years, including helter-skelters and climbing walls.
But if there’s one area where you’re bound to get bang for your buck, it’s investing in your coffee machine. According to www.HonestCoffees.com, many businesses compromise on their coffee, delivering inferior taste to their employees. But fortunately, machines now exist that will grind up fresh coffee there and then, and automatically make a barista-style cup of Joe.
Have Regular Work Anniversaries
Globoforce recently did a survey where they asked the question of whether employees would feel good if they had work anniversaries. According to their research, the answer is a resounding “yes” with more than 82 percent saying that they would feel positive about it. A further 36 percent on top of that said that they would feel more valued if their company instituted such a practice.
Offer Discounts And Sponsored Programs
Many companies are looking for ways to make working at their firms more worthwhile. One of the ways that they are doing this is offering members of staff things like discounted gym memberships, lower cost transportation, and childcare assistance. Working with partnerships often means that businesses can get massively discounted rates for their workforce, which is an excellent way to increase the effective pay of your workers without adding massively to your wage bill.
Put Play Back Into The Office
Sometimes work can get a little claustrophobic and competitive. But you can defuse a situation like this by adding things that make work fun, like a karaoke machine.