Having a business website is now no more an out of the bounds activity. Till few years back, many people lived with the belief that simply having a website would bring in a lot of business and success to them. However, with the widespread popularity of creative online resources and growing online presence of businesses, the thought has just got extended. Now you need to focus at a more creative, functional and high quality website if you really wish to create an impact on your industry peers.
Here are some important web design elements that businesses should carefully look into.
- Focus on Vital Site Elements
To develop and maintain an efficient website you need to focus on vital elements of your site within each and every individual page of your web design. Proficient and fully functional navigation system for instance should always be on your precedence list. This will help your site visitors easily browse your site for the things they are looking for.
Yahoo Small Business says that such a navigation system can easily be incorporated into graphic design websites through fully functional mega menu fly out with headers and sub headers. The benefits of such menus are enormous. Apart from providing easy and fast access to different sections of a website they bestow your site with a cleaner look and feel that improves your website’s overall credibility.
- Carefully Pick Your Site Colors
Do you know that colors used on your graphic design websites play a major role in developing connect with your site visitors? So, next time when you are ready for a creative web design, do ensure that you have done a careful and judicious selection of colors for your site that go perfectly well with your industry type and web theme.
Iron paper reveals that colors have in fact increased the online recognition of brands by more than 80%! Probably that is the reason this aspect of creative web design is taken quite seriously by Designhill web design experts. The same study revealed that sites with darker color schemes were considered high on professional parameters rather than the ones with the lighter schemes.
So, what’s the logic behind such facts? Yellow for instance is considered the most energetic and brightest of all colors. But Smashing Magazine says that it is also the color of danger, cowardice and deceit. While the bold and dark colors such as Purple and Black portray qualities of professionalism, royalty and boldness making them more apt for business websites.
- Aim At A Fully Responsive Web Design
Post to advent of responsive web design, investing in two different websites; one that was compatible with desktops and the other with mobile devices, was the one viable option. However, with the changing web design trends, this is no more a compulsion. Though responsive web design development requires a little more in terms of money but considering their effectiveness and ease of operations across multitude of devices, the money is worthwhile spending.
For instance, responsive web design by Designhill allows you to have one single flexible web design interface compatible to all your devices irrespective of your device type and screen size. So, don’t go by the norm assuming that your standard website setup will befit all the devices. You need to ensure that your platform is fully compatible with development of mobile websites as well.
According to Yahoo News, “50 percent of mobile users will not engage with a brand that cannot a deliver a high-quality mobile web experience.” So, irrespective of how old you are as an industry expert or as a business conglomeration you cannot afford to lose this much percentage of your potential customers!
- You Have To Race Against the Clock
You stop watch starts moving as soon as any prospective customer visits your site. Popular Internet surveys reveal that businesses have just few seconds to grab in the attention of their site visitors and mesmerize them before they log out from the website. Savvy Panda says that an average user casts off interest in a website within 8 to10 seconds of his site landing if he is unable to find things of his interest.
In the same case study it is stated that businesses literally have a 4 to10 second window to keep alive their customers’ focus before they start losing interest in their website. Therefore, it is highly imperative for you to focus on such an effective web design that appears ready and waiting for them. So, you must prepare yourself to deal with website abandonment issues that are major concerns of even popular brands as they effectively pull down the sites on marketing and branding.
- Run And Capture Before Someone Else Does
The primary question to mull over is your customer requirements and their expectations from you as a business. So, now it’s your choice whether you are ready to listen to them or not. Thanks to the online world, now you have better mediums and resources of knowing what your customers want. However, if you still do not pay heed to their suggestions and feedbacks, you are surely going to miss the bus.
Therefore, acquiring effectiveness and functionality of your web design that has been the USP of Designhill should always be one your core primacies. While this will help you place better on your business parameters it will go on to build a trust level for your business brand.