All companies need to mix things up, as if they’ve been doing the same thing for a long time then things can easily go stale. That’s why you see so many firms implementing new and wonderful marketing strategies to rebrand themselves or buying up new premises in order to ensure they can deal with added custom that they haven’t previously had. Either way, there needs to be some planning in place for when the day comes that you do need to develop your business further.
Development can be seen in many different facets from expanding to open up a new store or redesigning your shop, to simply bringing in new and exciting lines that you haven’t sold before. Whatever it is you are likely to have a surplus of stock which needs to be homed somewhere.
Redesigning the premises
When the layout of your company has been the same for many years it can get quite stale and sometimes this can easily turn off your customers. If it feels as though your firm is taking a backwards step then you should look at ways to improve the business. If you haven’t got the revenue streams to open up a new branch then changing the layout of the store can be a good way to freshen things up.
It may be a little confusing as to where things are to start with, but over time all the members of staff and regular customers will get used to the new look. This approach could help gain new customers from other consumers that recommend the store to people they know or by simply implementing a marketing push to get the locals through the door.
Making the most of seasonal sales
Some companies will inevitably be more successful at certain times of the year than others because of the nature of the services they provide or the products they sell. However, not every firm is completely ready for this and as such they could be missing out on key extra seasonal sales. Managing stock is the key thing to do here as sometimes firms won’t order enough in to deal with the added demand and instead will have empty shelves, which reflects poorly on the store.
Make use of storage facilities to ensure stock is readily available
In each of the two instances stated above, stores are likely to need more stock than would usually be the case. However, with warehouses and back rooms often filled to the brim with stock, there isn’t always the room to deal with the extra products needed to fill all the shelves. This is where cost-effective storage facilities can really help a firm when they are in a state of flux of any kind.
The storage facilities can be temporary or permanent so that they can deal with anything that your business has to throw at them. For instance if you want to deal with seasonal demand you can hire storage facilities in the period you are most busy and store more products that can easily be transported to the main store when required. This can also help when introducing a new line where stocks may be required to be filled regularly and during a redesign of the store, as you will have a place to put your products while everything is moved around.