Since you have started a new business, you have followed all the rules, advice and are well on your way to achieving your targets. You started as a one-man bedroom business working all hours, but now have a partner and a team of staff that you can trust to get everything done.
With another weekend fast approaching, you already have meetings set up and will be turning your mind towards the latest mobile app development. However, having time off will help even the most budding of entrepreneurs to recharge. Follow a few of these insiders’ suggestions to boost your productivity levels.
Time off
Research studies show that for every ten hours an employee rests during a holiday, the levels of personal achievement rise by eight per cent. Taking a break from excessive workloads and continued mental activity allows the brain and body to be re-energised. Furthermore once young entrepreneurs become engrossed in their company, they usually become sleep deprived. In the short and long term the results will directly impact their own productivity output, and their health and well-being.
Stay in touch
Most work colleagues tend to socialise together, they see each other all day and usually hang out after work and at company events. Entrepreneurs tend to have a harder time in sustaining other friendships outside of the new business. When the momentum gets going, they fall into patterns and let old friendships slide. It’s important to take a break and leave for a weekend to reconnect with the family and see old friends without any connection to work.
Motivate others to do the same
Discuss these ideas with your partners and close co-workers. Once you set this example, you’ll find that it is easier than you thought. Letting go of your startup for a short while will bring a new lease of life to the enterprise. While you’re having a short spell away, the hardest and most important thing to do, is to try and turn off your phone. Turning away from all devices is the only way to really switch off from work and the best way to restore you. It’s harmful to be constantly sending emails, messaging, and staying connected to the business. However, once the voicemail is repeatedly reached, they’ll soon understand that you’re off the radar.
Reconnect with nature
Working in the city puts the rising business star in an environment where the mind can’t clear. Going for a run in the woods, team rowing or playing rugby will readjust all those instrumental commercial powers. After a long walk or some sport, you can solve any problems nagging you. You’ll have time and a fresh perspective on whatever dilemmas you’d stored up. Having the space allows your mind to be reset.
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Start fresh
Starting a business demands all your energy and time. Those involved with the development of the company will also be in danger of burn out. When you decide it’s time for a rest, your perspective will change. Every new CEO struggles with deadlines and reaching negotiations. Working 12-18 hour days to reach goals will affect an entrepreneur’s capacity.
Being positive gets easier
Any workaholic will need to recondition his/her thought procedures. Even the strongest of individuals are affected by regularly working anti-social hours. Eventually, they too become demotivated. It reflects differently for everyone. Start the morning happy and select only positive stories in the news. After a short break, you’re ready to take on anything.