You can never afford to stand still in business, you have to push forward and grow. This may seem scary at first, and the leap to the next step may appear too big, but if you don’t, you will never reach your next goal, or surpass it. Having built your company up, it’s time to grow even more, here are some ways in which you can do just that.
Simplify Who You Are
You can now afford to streamline who you are and what your company does, while at the same time opening up the market. You are no longer a ‘small business accountant’ – you’re a ‘business accountant.’ This minor change signifies that you can handle anything from a two-man business to an international company.
With simplifying who you are, you need to do the same with your message and with your marketing strategy; they need to reflect who you now are in this next step. But never forget your roots – don’t shake off loyal clients or older products just because they aren’t the biggest or the best. Stay true to where you began, and people will respect it.
Target More Markets
Growth brings the opportunity to expand your market audience. If you create apps for businesses, then look into targeting some of them to other demographics. An organisation app would be perfect for working parents or teachers.
Just because they aren’t the audience, you set out to market for, shouldn’t be the reason to miss out on an area to grow. Look for the avenue yet explored, that other people in your industry are missing.
With you new message and widened audience, it’s time to launch a new marketing strategy. As simple as email blasts to online adverts and even physical marketing. Now that you have a larger revenue to work with, explore promotional devices that you couldn’t before.
Expand the Office Tech
Look into new software and apps. There are many different ways technology can help improve the efficiency within your business. There are ways of comparing the thousands of various types of software – sites like Comparesoft, help to narrow down the list to the programs that will best benefit you. Apps can help you to manage projects, stay connected and even control invoices on the go.
Expand in the Office
Also, perhaps it’s time to hire some more people – someone to manage the new campaign or to take over the finances. You’re at a point where there is room for you to delegate work and take some time for yourself. Just because you’re growing the business doesn’t mean that you have to work 24/7. You can also outsource work to freelancers or online companies. Sites like Freelancer can help you find someone to outsource to. This works well if you don’t need someone like a writer or an IT technician on site all the time.