Selling second hand cars is an excellent way to make money. Even doing it part-time is a great choice. The demand for second hand cars is always high, and you can make a good profit by putting some time into fixing them up and finding the right buyer. If it’s something that you’re interested in doing, there are a few things to consider first.
Sort Out All the Legal Stuff
Whenever you start a business, you need to do it properly. While the thought of earning a bit of money under the table might appeal, it’s much better to run a legitimate business. So, even if you’re only going it part-time, you need to make sure that you’ll be paying tax on the money you earn and you’re set up as either a sole trader or limited company.
Get Good at Fixing Up Vehicles
Obviously, if you want to sell second hand vehicles, it makes sense to be able to fix them. You can do the work on them yourself and keep your costs down, helping you to make more of a profit. You might be able to learn as you go along, but it’s worth at least giving yourself a crash course.
Protect Your Business
If you will be driving other people’s cars around, a single car insurance policy isn’t good enough. You need to have motor trade insurance if you want to protect yourself or anyone who works with you. This will cover you if you’re working with multiple cars.
Think Insurance Top Ten Tips For Motor Traders