What to do If You Or Your Loved Ones Suffer A Serious Injury In The Workplace

What to do If You Or Your Loved Ones Suffer A Serious Injury In The Workplace

People often work and function in environments that make them susceptible to injuries, but in recent years the workplace injuries have gone through the roof. A statistical report shows that 531,800 people suffered work related injuries in the period of July 2013–June 2014.

In case of any serious injury suffered on the workplace, there is some important information that should be known by the affected person and his close loved ones.


Exercise workers’ compensation right correctly

If you have sustained a workplace injury then you should know that your employer’s workers compensation insurance policy is responsible for paying some level of compensation against medical costs and potential lost income. Many times the affected person and their families get content with whatever they get in worker’s compensation and don’t try to find out what they actually deserve.

Many times, people don’t even file a claim of compensation because they think their claim will not be eligible. For instance:

  • You can file for a worker’s compensation claim even if you get injured outside of your workplace premises while performing some work-related task.
  • If you have any medical condition already and it get worst as a result of your work then it will be considered under the ambit of a workplace injury.

Therefore, it may be worthwhile getting specific advice from specialists like  Law Advice, because they will be able to check the extent of your claim; they can also help in determining if there has been any acts of negligence from your employer’s part. In that case, you may be able to lodge a case for further compensation from your employer through your lawyer.

Report the Accident

If you or your loved one suffers an injury in the workplace then make sure that the injury must be reported on the same day or within a couple of days. Reporting the injury in time is important to support a successful l claim. Companies and businesses are also responsible to maintain a log that reports every  event, near miss and incident which occurs in the vicinity of the workplace and has the potential to cause risk to health and safety.

What to do in the case of  the worst possible outcome?

We often don’t want to talk about it but we all know that death is inevitable. There is a looming possibility that the person who is seriously injured in the workplace succumbs to his injuries. This is the worst possible outcome for the loved ones of the deceased person. Apart from pursuing the workplace through a compensation lawyer, if the deceased person has funeral insurance in his name then it can be financially relieving for the grieving family. Thus it may be necessary for those in high risk employment, to consider further coverage. Here is some funeral insurance information so that you can plan better for an unknown future.


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