Most small business owners have to be extremely frugal with how they manage their funds. One of the main reasons that businesses fail today is a lack of or misuse of capital, which makes saving money the number one priority for businesses. While there are some things that you can do as a small business that will save you more than others, you have to understand that every little bit counts. Here are seven money-saving tips for your business.
Communal Advertising
According toWebFX, it can cost your company anywhere from $500 to $8 million to advertise for your company depending on the advertising medium you choose. Marketing efforts can get extremely expensive for small businesses. If you’re in good standing with other businesses in your area, you might consider advertising with them. You can share mailing lists, distribution channels, and suppliers with companies offering complementary products and services.
Use a Website Builder
If you want to build a website or online store, rather than hiring a web developer, which could cost anywhere from $500 to $15,000, according toWebPageFX, use a website builder and do it yourself. Many of the platforms work well for small businesses that are looking for some online exposure.
Speak at Industry Events
If you consider yourself an expert in your field, then you should impart that knowledge to others. You can do this by volunteering to speak at industry events, which is a great way to get free exposure for both your business, as well as your brand.
Try to Stay Mobile
Renting office space can get expensive. Thanks to technology, the majority of online businesses can be run remotely. To save on monthly office rent, you should try to stay mobile for as long as possible. If you have space, convert an area in your home to your office space. This will allow you to save on rent and write-off part of your rent as a business expense.
Purchase Used Office Equipment
If you decide to move into an office or need furniture for your home office, you should look to purchase used equipment. You can find just about anything you need by visiting and pay only a fraction of the price you would if you were to buy the stuff new. You may like the look of new, shiny gear, but you won’t like the look of your empty bank account.
Use Freelancers and Contractors
Having an office full of employees costs a lot these days. While you want to eventually build up your workforce of motivated and loyal employees, until you are stable, you should consider using contractors and freelancers. Onboarding and training new employees take time and money. Working with an independent contractor, you already have an expert in the field, and they will only charge you for the tasks you need to be done.
One of the best ways you can save money as a small business it to barter. Nearly every other small business is in the same boat as you are, so why not do an even exchange for products and services. When you need a specific good or service always look to barter with other companies first.
When it comes to your business saving money, there are hundreds of things that you can do. Try the seven tips mentioned above and start saving your business money.