All posts by : Phil M.

Phil is a young blogger and Founder of Blue Pixel Media Network. He is always looking for ways to make money online and has an interest for business and social media.

Keeping That Fleet Rolling Efficiently

Vehicles are an expensive commodity. When you run a business that deals with its own logistics, you have to get used to the idea that they’re always going to be a considerable cost. But running your own deliveries means you…Read more

Top 5 Tips for Starting a Business

You want to make the leap from being employed to self-employed or starting your own business and you think you have a great idea that will make for a happy and successful future. Well, before you take the leap, just…Read more

Design Your Way To A Better Career

Ok, You are a creative whizz and have no issues solving problems and thinking outside of the box.  You can take content and photography, combine them with graphics and deliver beautiful websites that your clients are going to be proud…Read more

Succeeding internationally in business

This year we have already seen an increase in virtual reality, as well as recognising that the Internet of Things is set to propel significantly. In addition to this, UX has become something of a buzzword in business. But what…Read more

Brick By Brick: Renovating Your Business

There comes a time in the life of every business where a bit of renovation is needed. For some businesses, this will be very regular. For others, though, it may only be once awhile. Of course, this will depend entirely…Read more