If you’ve launched a business, you’ll quickly find that there are lots of jobs involved. It’s not just a matter of creating a product and trying to sell it on the open market. There are many other considerations you need to bear in mind, including legal matters. As a business owner, there are multiple scenarios in which you may require legal advice. Here are some of the benefits of seeking advice from legal experts.
Drawing up employment contracts
If you’re an employer, your staff members should have employment contracts. These contracts should contain important information about the nature of the job, the salary, and anticipated hours. There should also be details of sick pay and holiday entitlement. Before you ask your employees to sign a contract, ask experts from firms like Lennons Solicitors to read over and check the contract for you. It’s essential that you get this agreement right. If there are loopholes, they could come back to haunt you in the future.
Health and safety
All employers are required to adhere to health and safety policies, which are put in place by bodies like the Health and Safety Executive. There may come a time when you face charges of negligence as a result of employee accidents or injuries. If you have watertight policies, and you’ve followed the handbook to a T, you should be able to fight your corner with the right legal support. Compensation should only be awarded to employees in the event of them suffering injuries as a result of an employer failing to comply with safety measures.
Redundancy and job losses
Most bosses hope that there will never come a time when they have to approach members of staff and discuss the prospect of redundancy. However, there is a chance that you may have to consider this course of action if things aren’t going to plan and you need to reduce staff numbers. If you do have to make some employees redundant, it’s essential that you handle the situation in accordance with legal guidelines. If you’re thinking about redundancy, see a solicitor first. They can help you to determine whether or not you have grounds to make employees redundant and guide you through the process.
Firing an employee
Employees are aware of their rights, and if they have grounds for appeal against unfair dismissal, this can be costly. Employers have a legal right to fire an employee, but only under certain circumstances. This is a scenario that requires sensitivity and careful planning. If you are thinking of dismissing a worker, seek advice from a solicitor first. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.
As a business owner, you need to be aware of legal matters that affect you, your company, and your workforce. It pays to maintain a close relationship with legal advisers. If you’re unsure whether what you’re doing is legal or not, or you need to double check something before you act, your legal team is there to identify problems, and offer reassurance.