Have you been considering getting back in to part time work but feel you don’t know what choices you have and what would be best for you? Then look no further than workingmums.co.uk, an online site dedicated to giving help and advice to mums, dads and job-seekers alike who want to get back into work.
As well as help and advice, the site also lists the most recent job vacancies and a search engine that allows you to find a job by sector, location and type making everything so much easier for you.
Getting back in to part time work after a while can be very daunting but sites such as this will help you out with all your little worries; whatever they might be.
Before you make any big decisions, take time to look at the different part time jobs at Working Mums and do your research. The more you think things through and decide what would be best for you, the less daunting starting a new job will be.
Remember working a part time job can have many benefits. It can be important for you to get back into the social circle and getting back into the office allows you to be treated like an individual, not just a mum. Don’t forget that there may be other mums in the office who you can relate to if you’re finding the transition hard. Being surrounded by people of a similar age can significantly improve your happiness levels because after spending a lot of time at home, it can get a little lonely.
Having a part time job can also give you a bit of freedom financially; you are able to contribute to bills and other expenses and it can even mean you have a little extra to spend on yourself each month.
Don’t forget, if you’re worried take a look through the advice and support section of the site which features a Q & A section and stories/articles which give good advice about getting back into work, interviews and the best way to write CV’s.
1 Comment
June 9, 2013
Hi Phil – as a new reader of your blog I though I’d just leave a quick comment here to say I’ve been enjoying it very much. Thanks! Shaun