All posts by : Phil M.

Phil is a young blogger and Founder of Blue Pixel Media Network. He is always looking for ways to make money online and has an interest for business and social media.

How To Make A Killer Pitch Or Presentation

Some people love to stand up in front of a room, and give a killer presentation. For others, it’s their biggest fear. Your hands start shaking, your voice quivers, and you forget everything you were meant to say. It happens…Read more

[INFOGRAPHIC] The Evolution of Apple

Apple Inc. one of the world’s most renowned brands has certainly come a long way since its inception back in 1976. From the launch of the Macintosh all-in-one PC in 1984, to the Apple watch in 2015, the company has…Read more

Important Precautions for Any Small Business

As you’re probably aware, the world of business is fast-paced and often unpredictable. You’ve probably put a lot of time and effort into founding your small business. Now that it’s established, you have to start thinking about pitfalls further down…Read more

The ‘Auto Enrolled’ Pension Solution

 Soon All British Employees Will Have A Pension In a bid to ensure more people, including those on lower incomes, save for their retirement the government’s ‘auto enrolment’ pension scheme is being rolled out to more and more employers of…Read more