All posts by : Phil M.

Phil is a young blogger and Founder of Blue Pixel Media Network. He is always looking for ways to make money online and has an interest for business and social media.

A Peak Inside the Startup Community

In recent years, economies the world over have struggled to stay viable.  One of the most important things for a successful economy is the presence of startup companies.  Those who are unable to find employment may turn to starting their…Read more

The Rise of the Pop-Up Shops

There is no denying that the retail sector was hit incredibly hard during the recent recession and high streets up and down the country are home to empty shops begging for a new lease of life. Despite the rapid rise…Read more

Pros & Cons Of Using VoIP For Business

Every business should be looking for ways to cut costs, and VoIP – or Voice over Internet Protocol – can offer some tremendous savings. But what exactly is it, what are the core benefits, and which VoIP services should you…Read more

Easy Ways To Save Your Business Money

Regardless of the size of your business, it is always in your best interest to save money wherever you can. It doesn’t have to be difficult. A few changes can cut down your unnecessary expenditure and maintain your productivity and…Read more

Why TV Has Stayed So On Trend In Advertising

Demographics Drive Direct TV Marketing Television is a time-tested and proven way to reach exceptionally well-defined audiences when marketing goods, services, and ideas. Ever since it became established nationally decades ago when the BBC began television broadcasting on up to…Read more