All posts by : Phil M.

Phil is a young blogger and Founder of Blue Pixel Media Network. He is always looking for ways to make money online and has an interest for business and social media.

Getting a Business Off the Ground Financially

Each year thousands of companies start out on their journey towards becoming a success…or at least that’s the dream anyway. The UK is leading the way in terms of producing startups in europe with various forms of financial assistance available…Read more

[INFOGRAPHIC] UK Employment Statistics 2004 – 2014

With the general election just gone, employment rates have been a hot topic recently. If you are interested in employment statistics then take a look at the Infographic from Lucas Blake below. The infographic points out some interesting points including the employment…Read more

The UK Leads the Way in European Startups

The United Kingdom always strives to be one of the leaders in Europe (and wider afield) in just about every industry. Whether it’s being a financial superpower or one of the leading producers of specific food produce, British companies and…Read more

Guide To Doing Business In Germany

Every nation throughout the world has its own unique set of attitudes and values that help form the foundation of country’s business culture. In a working environment a lack of understanding can at best lead to miscommunication, or display ignorance…Read more