All posts by : Phil M.

Phil is a young blogger and Founder of Blue Pixel Media Network. He is always looking for ways to make money online and has an interest for business and social media.

Classic job post faux pas

Everyone knows how difficult it can be to apply for work these days. Just ask all the people currently on the hunt for their perfect jobs. However, what’s often skipped over is just how tricky it can be for firms…Read more

Is it worth offering a company car scheme?

For many employers and employees, company car initiatives have been hugely beneficial. However, they are not for everyone and it’s a good idea for both company directors and staff to take time to consider their options before signing up to…Read more

Tips to Safe and Sustained Business Growth

As a small business owner you will naturally want your business to expand as quickly as possible so that you can attract a larger audience base and begin dealing with larger numbers of customers. This should in turn generate larger…Read more

Human translation: Man over machine

If you compare business in the modern world to industry just a few short decades ago, there is one defining feature that distinguishes between the two time periods. Technology. Technology and fancy machines. Where a man may once have been…Read more