6 Must-Have Software Solutions For SMEs

Small to medium sized businesses were once fight a losing battle when it came to finding software that would help them to compete with the big boys in their sector. Much of the software was overpriced and only affordable for…Read more

3 Most Dangerous Jobs

The list of the world’s most dangerous jobs can be ranked by fatality rate or the amount of risks involved. Many of these jobs are physically demanding and have to be carried out in hostile environments. However, men and women…Read more

How To Give The Perfect Presentation

One of the more terrifying aspects of business is public speaking. There is always a presentation to give, or a speech to be made. Yet, it can turn even the most confident people to stone. Speaking in front of an…Read more

A Healthy Benefit

2015 has truly been a year for health; the sugar debate rages on, life insurance policies  now incentivise and reward for efforts to increase and fitness and corporate wellness is trickling into UK business culture. There has been some eye…Read more

What makes a good fund manager?

Just as there is with any other job, there are certain qualities that make a good fund manager.  Below is a list of the qualities you should look for before you hire someone for fund management services. Ambition to be…Read more

Are micro-businesses under-valued and under-paid?

A micro-business is generally understood to be a company with ten employees or fewer and some staggering statistics about these businesses was recently revealed by a YouGov poll of 500 micro-business owners. The research calculated that these companies are missing…Read more